主治 Indications
Relieves constipation, promotes bowel function, removes toxin wastes from the intestines, moisturize the intestines.
成份 Ingredients
Each 339mg capsule contains raw herbs as below:
芦荟 Aloe……….50.85mg
百合 Bulbus Lilii……….33.90mg
枳壳 Fructus Aurantii……….50.85mg
枸杞子 Fructus Lycii……….33.90mg
首乌 Radix Polygoni Multiflori……….33.90mg
丝瓜络 Retinervus Luffae Fructus……….33.90mg
桔梗 Radix Platycodi……….33.90mg
赤小豆 Semen Phaseoli……….33.90mg
牡丹皮 Cortex Moutan Radicis……….33.90mg
建议服量 Dosage
成人:每日服1次,每次3-5粒 。
小儿:每日服1次,每次1-2粒 。
Adult: Take 3-5 capsules once daily.
Children: Take 1-2 capsules once daily.
使用注意 Caution
No known side effect and contraindication.