主治 Indications
Dry dampness and resolve phlegm, regulate the flow of qi and harmonise the middle.
Use for damp-phlegm, cough with copious and sticky phlegm, distension and fullness in the chest, nausea and vomit.
成份 Ingredients
Each capsule contains raw herbs 500mg as below:
陈皮Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae...................168.00mg
姜半夏Rhizoma Pinelliae(Processed with Ginger)..........168.00mg
炙甘草Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae Praeparate cum Melle........50.00mg
干姜Rhizoma Zingiberis.....................13.00mg
建议服量 Dosage
Take 2 capsules, 2 times daily. (Reduce dosage for children)
使用注意 Caution
Contraindicated in syndrome of yin deficiency accompanied with dry cough, body fluid depletion and thirst, in haemorrhagic disorders and in dry-phlegm syndrome.
Use with caution in pregnancy.
No known side effect.