主治 Indications
For influenza, upper respiratory infections, clear away heat and toxic materials, treat colds with fever, headache, sore throat, cough, eye pain and running nose.
成份 Ingredients
Each 299mg capsule contains raw herbs as below:
桂枝 Ramulus Cinnamomi……….44.85mg
胖大海 Semen Sterculiae Lychnopherae……….44.85mg
桔梗 Radix Platycodi……….44.85mg
神曲 Massa Medicata Fermentata……….44.85mg
大青叶 Folium Isatidis……….29.90mg
丝瓜络 Retinervus Luffae Fructus……….29.90mg
板兰根 Radix Isatidis……….29.90mg
穿心莲 Herba Andrographitis……….29.90mg
建议服量 Dosage
成人:每日服3次,每次3粒 。
小儿:每日服2-3次,每次1粒 。
Adult: Take 3 capsules, 3 times daily.
Children: Take 2-3 capsules once daily.
使用注意 Caution
No known side effect and contraindication.